Advent, Christmas, Epiphany
A quick overview of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany (Dec. 1 - Jan. 6 this year)
Great resources for Advent and Christmastide, including Advent wreaths and calendars, nativity sets, St. Nicholas' Day (Dec. 6), and Las Posadas
Read "Advent: Christmas Expectation"
Wonderful children's books for Christmastime
Great books of ideas for the seasons
Read "Christmas: Twelve Days!"
Read "Did You Know... Christmas Begins at Sundown on the Eve?"
Daily Life
Tips and ideas for faith in daily life
Read "Every Day, Many Ways:
Bringing faith into family life"
Great resources about children
and Sunday worship
Our books for enriching
family life
Enjoy articles on parenting &
children's faith formation
A variety of wonderful books for
children (check out the great books
on saints!
Children and death — the loss
of a child, the loss of a child's parent, pregnancy loss, and
related areas.
Children with challenges—
special needs, limitations due to illness, and so on.
Also: Disasters
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O Come, O Come Emmanuel
The season of Advent is about waiting, about preparation, about quiet and mystery. Christmas is a celebration of God incarnate, now accessible, among us. Epiphany is the visit of the magi, Jesus' baptism, and the start of the world learning about him. These seasons of the church year offer a welcome rhythm for family life at a time of year that can so easily be hectic and full of frustrations..... (More)
+ Today's Book +
Celebrating the
Church Year with Young Children,
+ Today's Idea +
Light the candles of an Advent wreath each evening before dinner, and quietly enjoy their light for a moment.
+ Sites of the week +
Discovering the truth around Santa Claus
Nurturing the gift of awe and wonder