Faith at Home

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A lit candle, shining brightly +
Tips & ideas
Godly play

Holy Week: from Palm Sunday to Easter

Palm Sunday   Mon-Thu   Good Friday   Holy Saturday   Great Vigil   Easter Day

Good Friday

Keep a quiet atmosphere at home, with little or no outside activities, errands, or chores, and limited television, radio, and computer use.

Choose some special music to enjoy that's closely related to these days, such as J.S. Bach's "St. Matthew's Passion" or the Easter section of G.F. Handel's "The Messiah."

Cut out a large cross from a big piece of poster board, and decorate it festively with colored tissue or shiny paper, or paper flowers; enjoy it on Easter and afterward.

Make hot cross buns, a traditional Good Friday sweet.

Way of the Cross

"On Good Friday morning we have a special Way of the Cross for children. Stations that were made by children some years ago hang in the Godly Play corridor.
     The priest reads a short explanation of each station and I do a wondering question with them, like 'I wonder how it felt to see what was happening to Jesus?' 'I wonder what Jesus said to his mother?' 'I wonder if there is someone you need to forgive?'
     "At many of the stations we use various materials, such as a crown of thorns they may touch or even try on; a big wooden cross to carry, a person dressed as Simon to talk with them; cups of vinegar water to taste, etc. Each child receives a big square cut nail, a small wooden cross to wear and a "Way of the Cross" booklet from Channing Bete Co. to take home.
     "When they return Easter morning they find an additional station with the Risen Christ standing in front of a He is Risen banner.
     "A parent might use a book and add their own wondering questions. Sometimes it is very fruitful to ask children, 'I wonder what YOU are wondering?'"

Contributed by Virginia Page, Godly Play Coordinator at Zion Episcopal Church, Wappingers Falls, New York, USA.

More ideas: For the Stations of the Cross at home, use a book with slightly abstract images, such as mosaics or icons, of the events. Make a set of images as a family Lenten or Holy Week activity.

Information: What are the Stations of the Cross? and another intro to the Stations of the Cross


Holy Week. A wonderful guide for family Holy Week activities: the little booklet "Through the Cross," from Candle Press. ..More..

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Copyright © 2003 Barbara Laufersweiler
Last updated September 27, 2003